Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Curious Case of Father Time **Coming Soon**

The new cover design! What do you think?
Shamelessly promoting my book right now....but hey this is my blog so....

The Curious Case of Father Time will be available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Kobo in late 2013!

I'm looking forward to releasing my first science fiction thriller! 

I was asked the other day what inspired me to write a book like this. Well the short answer is that I'm a bit of a geek when it comes to science, especially time travel. While I don't do much reading in that particular genre, I am a fan of Brian Cox, Stephen Hawking, and my personal favorite Michio Kaku. 

I always wanted to write a book for the holidays, selling out like most writers wanting a paycheck. I noticed that every angle you can think of have been done for the sake of a good Christmas story but not many stories focus on the coming New Year. So I started there and combined my love for science and I came up with this story.

I just hope that you guys enjoy the story. Again, I don't plan to write solely science fiction because I've stated over and over again, I'm a storyteller. I don't like to limit myself to any certain genre and a good storyteller shouldn't have to. 

So I'm excited for this release. I've worked really hard on it and I just can't wait to share my written words with all of you.

Thank you, 


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