Diary of A Sick Chick; A Year in The Life of A Chronically Ill Woman

 A brutally honest but funny review of my book, "Diary of A Sick Chick: A Year in the Life of A Chronically Ill Woman"

A year in the life of a woman dealing with a chronic illness. Diagnosed with Lupus March 3, 2011, my life totally went into a different direction than intended. Read along with my journey as I take you through the gut splitting highs and lows of what happens after being diagnosed. Chronic illness hit me in the face during a time in my life when I was not expecting. I was dating, working, taking care of my daughter, and trying to sell a television series I wrote about the afterlife. The answer came on the third largest blizzard in Chicago history. GET IT HERE TODAY!
REVIEWS AROUND THE WEB... .....enjoyed every word of your book and selfishly didn't want it to end...there is great comfort knowing someone else out there that has had the very same thoughts and struggles as yourself.... ...I didn't stop reading until I finished it. Your story could be mine. I loved your honesty and your frank way of telling it like it is. I enjoyed your book very much...thank you!! .... I have been glued to my pc, reading every page like i am reading my own story. Everything in there is just so unbelievably honest and accurate.....

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