Wednesday, January 23, 2013

All Zombied Out? There Aren't That Many Shades of Gray!

There are two trends with ebooks today. One is Zombies, Zombies, and more Zombies. The other you ask? Erotica. We have "The Walking Dead," World War Z", and "Fifty Shades of Gray" to thank.

There are literally thousands of books on each subject with different spins. Give me a apocalyptic thriller with twists and turns, and zero unpredictability, and I'm a happy girl. I'm in the bed for hours trying to get to the words The End!

But this is a genre that  has turned outrageous. Erotica is a subject that I'm not too keen on but with the success of Fifty Shades of Gray, the literary world has taken note!

Of course when I'm feeling low, I like to read a book that takes me to a time when the world is a normal place. The dog craps in the same part of the house when you're just inches away from taking him outside. The coffeemaker is broken...again. Your car insurance check is late so they are about to cancel your policy and this is all before you've had your morning coffee.

Then you turn on the news and a zombie is eating the reporter as a snack after finishing off the entire camera crew.

And. Shit. Just. Got. Serious.

Those types of books will have me engrossed for hours. But I must say that I'm getting a little zombied out. I think the subject has been covered a thousand times over. I'm looking for something totally original. Witches and wizards have been done to death since Shakespeare. Thanks to the Twilight series and True Blood, Vampires have had their day. Now it's almost time to say goodbye to the Zombies....or is it?

In terms of erotica, there are those that can write a sex scene so memorable, Viagra would become obsolete. Others, not so much. It's a genre that requires special talent, which many writers simply don't possess. It is an act that many adults find quite pleasure in but have no clue how to put the process into a believable and credible sex scene that can totally engross a reader instead of just grossing the reader out.

Hopefully many writers will stop beating these two dead horses who have been on the side of the road deteriorating and decomposing rapidly. There isn't too much of them left so let's move on shall we? Looking to break the mold? Create a new monster. One the world has yet to see. Then my fellow writers and've got yourself a freaking story.

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