Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I wasn't truly convinced on this ideal of eBooks at first. I like going to a brick and mortar store, drinking a hot beverage that I could hardly pronounce, sitting on the floor reading books. I'd sometimes bring my laptop along for the ride. I'd feel like a real writer with all the information in the world right there in that bookstore. My daughter would be not too far away from me in the Children's section, picking out books that she wanted to read.

When I saw the first Kindle, I thought it was just a fad. But I'm sure my parents thought television was going to be the same thing. It is probably one of the most important inventions of our time.

Now at one in the morning in South Korea, I can download any book that I want (granted there is an eVersion available) and read anywhere that I want to. If I wanted to read seven books at one time I could do so on ONE eReader. I don't have a big enough purse to fit seven books along with my makeup. Hell, I'd be carrying a suitcase.

There is another advantage to the eBook.

I was reading on an Amazon discussion page the other day and it was a bunch of readers complaining about how BAD some of the independently published books were. They were crying that these books so desperately needed editors, the writing was something they would've written in the first grade, the formatting was horrible, etc.

But then again these books were priced anywhere from 99 cents to $2.99. One reader complained that these books would have publishers if they were good enough to do so rather than go down the route of self-publishing.

That's where I found myself getting angry.

Many writers have died, waiting a hundred years for an agent to pick up their work. Some of the world's greatest writers weren't necessarily discovered by an agent or a giant publishing house. There is so much talent out there in the world and they were being ignored for the names of a selected few.

Now that we have ePublishing; an invention that could make my cat an author in fifteen minutes. When you have such a free format, there are a lot of undiscovered gems out there that fought for so long to grab the attention of hardworking and overworked agents trying to secure big deals for their important clients, leaving the smaller names, so to speak, to fend for themselves. Hell I've seen some authors sell their own books out the trunks of their cars.

SO yeah...you're going to get thousands and thousands of horrible books that should have never seen the light of day. But there are thousands of undiscovered gems out there for you to enjoy at any time of day or time of year that you wish.

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