Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Brian Griffin From Family Guy Is Dead....Why I Won't Be Tuning In

I never thought I'd care that a cartoon character was killed off but I find myself caring. Why? Because Brian was such a well developed and well liked character. He brought stability and reason to a house full of chaos. Family Guy, like it or not, is a show of  great significance to pop culture.

 It has the younger generation asking those of us who are older about certain references that are made about my generation. Don't believe me? Go to YouTube and Yahoo answers from younger kids questioning the generational references made. Because Seth MacFarlane and I are from the same generation, it starts a dialogue with me and my daughter. It also feels good to remember.

The show also teaches younger viewers about historical events. Events that they sometimes look up on Wikipedia to get more information on. I was amazed at the effect that this thirty minute cartoon had. And last Sunday, it destroyed the very spark  that made this controversial but funny cartoon complete. Just because the writers wanted to "shake things up"? How about letting them move from Quahog? Or giving one of them a chronic illness. No you decided to kill off one of the most important characters that was integral to the show.

So what do I do? I don't know if I ever want to watch another episode again. It's like Thanksgiving dinner after Grandma dies. It's like running across an object in your house when you remember that the person that owned it is no longer living. There is absolutely no reason to watch the show any longer. Pulling the rug from under your audience is no way to shake things up. It's a way to make me turn the television off.

Bring Brian back or you've lost a fan forever.

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