Sunday, November 18, 2012

Review of "World War Z"

I normally don't review books for other authors. While I was not certainly asked for a review, I found a great book so compelling I had to share it with my readers that like a little zombie reading material with their breakfast.

It is rare to find a voice this compelling and a book so incredibly rare that I have to remember that what I'm reading is fiction.....
-Sonya Dickerson

World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War

My significant other heard a friend speaking about this book and was told that he should give it a try.

So what did he do? Purchased the Kindle edition for his sick fiance with a lupus flare, with nothing else to do for six days until she was either better or forced from her bed by hospital bureaucrats.

I'm so glad that he passed the chance to me first.

I have to admit that I am one of the millions that enjoy, "The Walking Dead" series on television so I didn't mind another zombie read. There are thousands of them available for purchase right now ( I have several) and yet, I feel obligated to delete them all from my Kindle.

For the next week, I found myself engrossed into the storyline from the very first page. Yes, anything that can keep my attention going while in pain has some definite talent.

As many others have reviewed before me, you're not getting a three or four hundred page novel with a clear beginning, middle, and end. It's a series of interviews of people that survived the "War" and they are telling their stories for posterity purposes.

One may think that the interview style could make the book trudge on and on indefinitely to where the stories seem to overlap but they truly don't! That's what makes this book different from many others. From outer space to the depths of the sea, the story of The War and The Great Panic are covered in detail from the ones that had the skills, the bravery, or just sheer and crazy luck to make it through to the end.

There were times that I found myself having to put the book down for SANITY reasons. sanity. The imagery and the characters were just too real and convincing. So much so that the moan.....the indescribable and inescapable moan of the living dead when they were upon you literally kept me peering out of the windows and the small caliber handgun by my bedside loaded.

You couldn't help but immerse yourself in the stories told by each survivor in their own little way without wondering just what you would have done in that situation. Would you have been among the living? Or one of the millions of tormenters that threatened your existence on a daily basis?

World War Z is one of those books that you just can't seem to forget. It will stay at the back of your mind as the current times show that our interest in the living dead has yet to cease its popularity. It was brilliantly written and highly recommended.

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